Dorje Denma Ling Governing Council
The mandate of Dorje Denma Ling’s Governing Council (DDL GC) is to guide the strategic direction for the Centre in the coming years. Responsibilities of the Council include overseeing the annual budget and hiring and supervising the DDL Managing Director,
who is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations and programming.
The Governing Council is responsible for maintaining the financial, administrative and organizational health of DDL in accordance with the Charter (Bylaws) and Affiliation Policies of Shambhala Global. The DDL GC also regularly relates to and supports constituent groups that are part of the DDL community, including Shambhala Global, Shambhala Halifax, Tatamagouche, other Centres and Groups in the Atlantic provinces, and Shambhala members around the world with a heart connection to DDL.
The GC is committed to a consensus basis for decision making. GC Members are normally appointed for a three-year term, however other term lengths are possible.
For a more detailed discussion of the Dorje Denma Ling Governing Council, visit this page. If you are interested in joining the Council, please contact Deborah Luscomb at [email protected].
Current Governing Council Members
Deborah Luscomb, Chair
Deborah Luscomb, a student of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche since 1974, and Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche since 1995, is primarily known for her decades of ritual textile production.
In addition to co-founding the Shambhala School, she spent time at the Halifax Shambhala Centre as the Shambhala Training Director, and the Director of Practice and Education, and Director of Community & Culture. She also sits on the Steering Committee of Shambhala Touching the Earth Collective and leads monthly Earth Salons.
Deborah also founded Death Matters, where she leads Advance Planning workshops and acts as a Thanadoula and Funeral Guide, facilitates the Halifax Death Café, and is a co-founder of Green Burial Nova Scotia.
Deborah has a passion for bringing people together around difficult, but necessary conversations, and brings extensive training in meditation, contemplation, deep listening and a fine sense of humour to the DDL Governing Council.
David Flint
David became a student of the Vidyadhara in 1972. Over the years he has staffed at RMDC, Maitri, Karme Choling and DDL in between living in Boulder, Burlington VT, St. John’s NF and Halifax. He worked for many years as a house painter and renovator. He finished a PhD. at Dalhousie in 2003 and was a professor of sociology for the next eight years. After retiring he moved to Tatamagouche, coordinated the newly formed Tatamagouche Shambhala Mediation Group for 10 years, currently does volunteer work at DDL and a lot of renovating and gardening at home.
Marvin Moore
Marvin Moore became a student of Vidyadhara Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche in 1975 and attended the second and third summer’s of the Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado. He then lived in New York City until 1987 where he was an active member of the New York Dharmadhatu, serving seven years as Rusung. He attended the 1981 Vajradhatu Seminary. He subsequently moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1987, where he continued to practice and study the dharma, and became an active member of the Halifax Shambhala Centre.
Marvin was a part of the expedition that found the land that is now Dorje Denma Ling, and sat on the first Dorje Kasung Land Group, which was established to look after the kasung land in the Tatamagouche area.
Marvin has also been one of the principal photographers of the Shambhala sangha for almost 50 years. |
Jud Levinson
Jud’s biography by numbers: Jud Levinson, also known as Yehuda, has been a meditator for 50 years, a published poet for 58, and a human rights lawyer for 37.
Jud’s biography by poetry:
Autobiography of Desiring Oneness
book reader
early morning walker
Zen sailor
simple Chasid
… just sitting
… all merged in ocean breath of old beginning |
Lilly Gleich
Lilly Gleich has been a member of Shambhala since the early 80s, and a long time friend of Dorje Denma Ling.
She served as the Desung for DDL for a number of years, working on health and safety concerns. She is also a frequent volunteer and a neighbour who lives just down the road from the Centre.
Lilly is currently a member of the Shambhala Board.