Magnetizing Fire Offering, April 20-22, 2012

In 2006, the Sakyong gave his permission and blessing for Dorje Denma Ling to practice the magnetizing and enriching fire offerings in a weekend format as ‘rites of aid.’  Mark Nowakowski and Dewi Roberts have inspired and led these retreats, and our April 20-22, 2012 retreat was the 7th magnetizing fire offering for DDL.  We practice the karma of ‘magnetizing’ each spring, and in the fall we do a weekend ‘enriching’ fire offering. Students who have completed the Vajrayogini amending fire offering are invited to join in.

At this most recent fire offering, we had toasts, gifts and celebrations for Yeshe Fuchs and Pat Hayward, retiring as the Executive Directors of the Halifax Shambhala Centre and Dorje Denma Ling respectively, for Acharya Jeremy Hayward for his years of service at Denma Ling (not yet ended!), and for Lennart Krogoll as the new Executive Director of Dorje Denma Ling.  Warm clouds of magnetizing energy and love gathered and radiated, for the benefit of Denma Ling, Shambhala, and all beings everywhere.  E ma ho!


People who attended but aren’t pictured are Sylvia Boissoneault, Julia Sagebien & Barbara Winn.  Thank you all for your wonderful contribution.