
Moh Hardin

Moh Hardin was born in South Carolina on April 10, 1944. The son of a Methodist minister, Moh grew up in the church. After graduating from Duke University with a B.A. in music, and completing alternative service as a conscientious objector to the Vietnam War, Moh dropped out and became a hippie. At the time, Moh considered himself an independent thinker who would never have a teacher. That was before an encounter with Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche changed his mind: “His words were true to my experience…and he had nothing in it for himself.”

After helping establish the Berkeley Dharmadhatu, Moh served there as education coordinator until he was invited in 1979 to work in the Karme Choling practice and study department. In 1984, Moh and his family moved to Nova Scotia and set up an herb farm. After Moh’s wife Judith was diagnosed with cancer, they decided to move into Halifax. The years between ’87 and ’90 were marked by Judith’s journey toward death, a sad journey that was also inspiring because of the warriorship that Judith embodied.

Moh served as Director of the Halifax Shambhala Centre from 1991 to 2001. Currently he serves as Regional Acharya for the Atlantic Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland, and the states of Texas and Louisiana. He visits the Shambhala Centers in these regions regularly, teaching and working with students.

In 1996, Moh married Cynde Grieve, and they live quite happily in Halifax with Justin, Cecily, and Cynde’s son, Evan. When Moh reflects on his dharma training, he thinks first of his good fortune to be able to attend six Vajradhatu Seminaries, as both student and teacher, where he was able to train directly under the guidance of Vidyadhara Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. Says Moh, “It doesn’t matter whether you are a participant or staff, you still go through the journey.”