The Dorje Kasung are Here (and always have been)!
December 3, 2010 by Sharon_Allen
Recently I graduated from University in Halifax and became excited about Shambhala Land Center living after spending this past summer volunteering at Dechen Choling. I felt a tug at my heart when I heard that the Rusung position at Dorje Denma Ling was open—and had been for quite some time. That tug turned into an application, which was accepted, and I arrived on Nov 15th to begin a two year term as Rusung and part-time Practice and Study assistant.
The staff of Denma Ling have provided the warmest welcome I could imagine. There are 14 full-time staff members of all ages (the largest group yet), and the practice container is stronger than ever. The personal commitment made to practice made by each staff member is palpable, and has created a calm, focused energy on the land. It feels like we are moving forward. In the absence of a Rusung, the Denma squad has done an outstanding job of maintaining the Kasung presence. With such a dedicated group, now is the right time to increase opportunities here for the practice and study of Kasungship.
Dorje Denma Ling has always had close ties with the Dorje Kasung. On Sun Nov 21st, following a joint civilian/military oath ceremony held to install Susan Engels at Chadzo, and me as Rusung, Torgny Vigerstad, Rupön, gave a talk sharing with us the history of Denma Ling, and how the Kasung played a crucial part in its founding and development. The original Dorje Denma Ling was not the familiar retreat centre land but the Kasung land further up theBalmoral Rd. The intention was for it to be a place bought by the Kasung for the Kasung. The retreat centre land was purchased later, in response to a demand for a place to hold programs and larger gatherings. The original property is used for Encampments and Sun Camps, and has not been developed as a place for general programs.
With this history in mind it is clear that Dorje Denma Ling has the potential to be the best place to practice and study Dorje Kasungship in the mandala. Fortunately, there are two upcoming Kasung programs where YOU can come and be energized by the natural Kasung energy of the place.
Jan 1-3 is the first Rights of Warriorship (ROW) Bridge Program, open to anyone who has every participated in ROW, either as participant or staff. ROW is the formal entry into the adult Shambhala World and the fruition of the Shambhala Sun Camp path of practice. ROW graduates have received vital training and empowerment in the Shambhala vision, but until now there has been no link between ROW and the broader Shambhala path. If you have ever participated in ROW, you are invited to rediscover the magic of ROW and explore how to bring this energy out into your daily life.
I am also very excited about the upcoming Dön Days Retreat, taking place Feb 25th-27th. Dorje Denma Ling is the ideal location for this annual gathering of the clan during the most difficult time of year. The direct power and magic of the elements is already here, all you need to do is get out of the city and come experience it! This program, which will include practice, study, drill, exercises, mess, camaraderie and much more, is open to, and strongly recommended for all Kasung. Personally I am really looking forward to seeing all of you, and having an excuse to really polish my boots.
By Marta Vigerstad